About Montessori Education

“Montessori is an individualized approach to education for children from toddler through high school that helps each child reach full potential in all areas of life. It is a student-centered approach that encourages creativity and curiosity and leads children to ask questions, explore, investigate and think for themselves as they acquire skills.A Montessori environment focusses more on a student’s learning than on a teacher’s teaching. Specially trained Montessori teachers guide, coach and facilitate each child’s learning through continuous observation and assessment.“Our aim is not merely to make children understand, and still less to force them to memorize, but so to touch their imaginations as to enthuse them to their innermost core.”

CCMA (The Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators)

Traditionally Montessori early childhood program is called “the Casa program”. The term, derived from Casa dei Bambini (Children's House), opened in San Lorenzo, Rome, on January 6th back in 1907 by Maria Montessori.